Political Science
1. Robert Owen was one of the main exponents of
(A) Democratic Socialism
(B) Utopian Socialism
(C) Scientific Socialism
(D) None of the above
2. "Democracy is a system of government by discussion."It is the opinion of
(A) Garner
(B) Abraham Lincoln
(C) Barker
(D) None of then
3.Mixed economy and a wide range of social justice are two important features of
(A) Welfare state
(B) Socialism
(C) Individualism
(D) None of the above
4.One of the mani exponents structural-functional analysis is of
(A) Karl Deutsch
(B) John Austin
(D)None of them
5.T.H. Green, F.H. Bradley and B. Bosanquet were
(A) Greek idealists
(B) German idealists
(C) English idealists
(D) None of them
6. The establishment of Stateless Democracy' was the planning of
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Lenin
(C) M.K. Gandhi
(D) None of them
7. The famous book on modern individualism, The Great Society was written by
(A) Belloc
(B) Norman Angel
(C) Graham Wallas
(D) None of them
8. "Political party is the vanguard' of the labour class in their revolution." It is the opinion of
(A) Karl Marx
(B) F.Engelse
(C) V. I. Lenin
(D) None of them
9. Rousseau and Jefferson are the main exponents of
(A) monism
(B) pluralism
(C) popular sovereignty
(D) None of the above
10. The State and Revolution is an important book on political parties was written by
(A) Karl Marx
(B) F. Engels
(C) I. V. I. L. Lenin
(D)None of them
11. Which of the following is not a source of Marxism?
(A) British political economy
(B) French socialism
(C) Fabianism
(D) German idealism
12. Who said, "Every State is known by the rights that it maintains"?
(A) Laski
(B) Rousseau
(C) Plato
(D) Aristotle
13. A Socialist State Favours
(A) independence of judiciary
(B) right to private property
(C) economic equality
(D) political freedom
14. The modern democracy is known as
(A) Limited democracy
(B) Representative democracy
(C) Socialist democracy
(D) People's democracy
15. "Political Science is the study of the authoritative allocation of values for a society." This statement was given by
(A) Harold Lasswell
(B) Seeley Hey
(C) David Easton
(D) None of them
16. The Statement that "A man without society is either a beast or a God" is attributed to
(A) Aristotle
(B) Karl Deutsch
(C) Machiavelli
(D) None of them
17. 'Sovereignty' is an essential attribute of the
(A) Parliament
(B) Government
(D) Statements con
18. "Will, not force, is the basis of the State." It is the opinion of
(A) Kant
(B) Green
(C) Hegel
(D) None of them
19. John Locke is one of the main exponents of the
(A) idealistic theory of State
(B) social contract theory
(C) liberal theory of State
(D) None of the above
20. In the economic sphere, the liberal thinkers advocated
(A) limited production
(B) State regulation
(C) laissez-faire
(D) syatem of monopolies
21. Who advocated the principle of ' survival of the fittest?
(A) J. S. Mill
(B) T. H. Green
(C) Herbert Spencer
(D) Laski
22. Who stated "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains
(A) Locke
(B) Plato read in
(C) Rousseau
(D) Marx
23. According to Locke, the sovereing
(A) stood outside the contract
(B) Was born out of the contract
(C)Was a party to the contract
(D)None of the above
24. Democracy is the rule of
(A) Leaders
(B) Members of Parliament
(D)Political parties
25.Who was the founder of scientific socialism?
(A) Engels
(B) Marx
(C) Bentham
(D) Hegel
26. "By scientific theory through which Marx and Engels expressed their views is
(A) Barker
(B) Laski
(C) J.S. Mill
(D) None of them
27. The scientific theory through which Marx and Engels expressed their views is
(A) democratic socialism
(B) dialectical materialism
(C) utopian socialism
(D) None of the above cool
28. The existence of two classes viz., the landlord and the serf and the exploitation of the serfs by the landlords were the bases of the
(A) Primitive society
(B) Slave society
(C) Feudal society
(D)None of the above
29. To Which country Marx belonged?
(A) Italy
(B) France
(C) Holland
30. Political Institutional Structure and political culture are two important determinants of
(A) Pressure group
(B) Political parties
(C) Non-govermental organization
(D) None of the above
31. The term liberty has been coined from the Latin root of
(A) Liber
(B) Labour
(C) Lingua
(D) Libel
32. Norman Angell is one of the exponents
(A) Individualism
(B) Socialism
(C) Modern Individualism
(D) None of the above
33. "Nothing short of the state is the actualisation of freedom." This is the statement of
(A) Kant
(B) Hegel
(C) Green
(D) None of them
34. Communist Manifesto was written jointly by Karl Marx and Engels is the year
(A) 1948
(B) 1949
(C) 1950
(D) None of the Above
35. Which kind of right is the Right to from Associations?
(A) Civil right
(B) Legal right
(C) Political right
(D) Natural right
36."Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign." It is the opinion of
(A) Herbert Spencer
(B) John Stuart Mill
(C) Jeremy Bentham
(D) None of them
37. Tolstoy and Thoreau has greatly influenced the political ideas of influenced the political ideas of
(A) M.K Gandhi
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Frank Kent
38. The concept of Democratic Socialism was first expounded by
(A) Bernard Shaw
(B) Sydney Web
(C) Eduard Bernstein
(D) None of them
39. "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class-struggle." This most significant and well-selected statement was made by
(A) Bertrand Russel and Mazzini
(B) Lenin and Stalin
(C) Marx and Engels
(D) None of them
40. Leviathan, a famous book sovereignty, was written by on
(A) Locke
(B) Hobbes
(C) Rousseau
(D) None of them