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1st Semester Question Paper Political Science - MCQ 2016

 Political Science

1. Social Contract TheoryPrimarily dealt with

(A) Nature of the State

(B) Function of the State

(C) Social development of the State

(D) State of origin of the state

2. Who said that "Family is the basis of the State"?

(A) Garner

(B) Gettel

(C) Leacock

(D) Bentham

3. Who is associated with the theory of natural rights?

(A) J.S. Mill

(B) H. Spencer

(C) John Locke

(D) Bentham

4.  Who said, "The passion for equality made vain the hope for liberty"?

(A) Hobbes

(B) John Locke

(C) David Easton

(D) J.S. Mill

5. Who is the author of the book, Lectures on Jurisprudence?

(A) Jean Bodin

(B) BArker

(C) Austin

(D) Maitland

6. "Ramrajya" Was the idea of

(A) Marx

(B) Lenin

(C) Hegel

(D) Gandhiji

7. "Will, not force, is the basis of the State." Whose comment is this?

(A) J.S. Mill

(B) David Easton

(C) T.H. Green

(D) M.K. Gandhi

8. Which one of the following concepts is advocated by Hobbes?

(A) Popular Sovereignty

(B) Absolute Sovereignty

(C) Limited Sovereignty

(D) All of the Above

9. Who was the founder of Scientific Socialism?

(A) Marx

(B) Lenin

(C) Stalin

(D) Engels

10. Graham Walles is one of the exponents of

(A) Fabianism

(B) Socialismo

(C) Individualism

(D) None of the above

11. Who is the author of the book, A Grammar of Politics?

(A) Harold Lasswell

(B) David Truman

(C) H.J. Laski

(D) Lord Acton

12. In Which Year, "Glorious Revolution" toll place in England?

(A) 1989

(B) 1848

(C) 1688

(D) 1501

13. Arthur Bentley is associated with which one of the following approaches?

(A) Systems Approach

(B) Group Approach

(C) Neo-liberal Approach

(D) Marxian Approach

14. "The State is the march of God in the world," Who said this?

(A) Hegel

(B) Kant

(C) Marx

(D) H.J. Laski

15. The first volume of Das kapital was published in

(A) 1848

(B) 1867

(C) 1900

(D) 1885

16. Who, among the following, is not associated with Neo-liberalism?

(A) F.A. Hayek

(B) Robert Nozick

(C) John Rawls

(D) John Locke

17. Which of the following is the work of John Rawls?

(A) Liberalism

(B) A Theory of Justice

(C) Political Ideologies

(D) Leviathan

18. "Sovereignty is the Supreme Will of the State." Who said this?

(A) J.S. Mill

(B) G.D.H. Cole

(C) F.A. Hayek

(D) Willoughby

19. Which is not an essential feature of sovereignty?

(A) Divisibility

(B) Permanence

(C) Universality

(D) Absolitensess

20. "Nationalism is a menace civilization." Who said this?

(A) Swami Vivekananda

(B) Rabindranath Tagore

(C) M.K. Gandhi

(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

21. Which of the following is not a source of law?

(A) Religion

(B) Custom

(C) Equity

(D) Politics

22. Which one is not known as the political right?

(A) Right to vote

(B) Right to be elected

(C) Right to petition

(D) Right to form a family

23. "Imperialism is the Highest Stage of Capitalism." Who made this statement?

(A) Karl Marx

(B) Lenin 

(C) Stalin

(D) Gandhiji

24. Individualism is also known as

(A) laissez faire

(B) socialism

(C) nationalism

(D) internationalism

25. The main advocate of guild socialism is

(A) Cole

(B) Laski

(C) Garner

(D) Barker

26. The term 'Scientific Socialism' was first used by

(A) Karl Marx

(B) Engels

(C) J.S. Mill

(D) Mao Tse-tung

27. Who is the writer of the book, On Liberty?

(A) J.S. Mill

(B) James Mill

(C) Machiavelli

(D) John Locke

28. Who is the main exponent of popular democracy?

(A) Rousseau

(B) Kant

(C) Stalin

(D) John Locke

29. "The State is a necessary evil." Whose comment is this?

(A) James Mill

(B) Thomas Paine

(C) Thomas Hobbes

(D) J.S. Mill

30. Indian party system is

(A) bi-party

(B) single-partyinen

(C) multi-party leaders

(D) none of the above

31. To which country did Marx belong?

(A) France

(B) Germany

(C) Italy

(D) Holland

32. Which of the following is not a natural right according to John Locke?

(A) Right to education

(B) Right to life

(C) Right to liberty

(D) Right to property

33. Right to form association' is a

(A) civil right

(B) political right

(C) religious right

(D) economic right

34. Hobbes is associated with

(A) The social contract theory

(B) The socialism

(C) The fabianism

(D) The system theory

35. The concept of 'Rule of Law is given by

(A) H. Spencer

(B) J. Bentham

(C) A.V. Dicey

(D) Karl Marx

36. "The State is known by the rights it maintains." Who said this?

(A) T.H. Green

(B) Barker

(C) A.V. Dicey

(D) H. Laski

37. Direct democracy exists in

(A) France

(B) Spain

(C) Green

(D) India

38. Who said, "Voice of the people is the voice of God"?

(A) Rousseau

(B) Katlin

(C) Pollock

(D) Easton

39. Who wrote the book, The Wealth of Nations?

(A) Ricardo

(B Adam Smith

(C) Karl Marx

(D) David Truman

40. Sovereignty is an essential element of

(A) State

(B) Government

(C) People

(D)None of the above

Broad Question

1. (a) Define behaviouralism Discuss the main tenets of behaviouralism.


(b) Critically discuss the liberal theory of the State

2. (a) Critically examine the concept of popular sovereignty.


(b) Define nationalism. What are the main, features of nationalism?

3. (a) What is meant by rights? Discuss the relationship between rights and duties.


(b) Define political party. Discuss the functions of political parties in modern democracies.

4. (a) What is democratic socialism? Discuss the features of democratic socialism.


(b) Briefly discuss the class struggle in different social systems.

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